Out of hours work is common for various reasons including to reduce traffic congestion, delivery of large loads, Sunday work and early concrete pours to name a few. It’s most commonly required in construction and demolition projects, transport industry, entertainment events, airports, heliports and mine sites.

As per the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997, out of hours work is defined as work taking place outside of normal operating hours of 7am to 7pm Monday to Saturday. This generally requires an Out of Hours Noise Management Plan (NMP). NMPs are submitted to the local council for approval by the Chief Executive Officer on which premises the council may grant an Out of Hours Permit.

As per the regulations, construction work must be carried out in accordance with control of noise practices set out in section six of Australian Standard 2436-1981 “Guide to Noise Control on Construction, Maintenance and Demolition Sites”; the equipment used for the construction work must be the quietest reasonably available.

Commonly the Noise Management Plan incorporates vibration management if the project is located in close proximity to sensitive receptors including buildings, gas and other services, heritage listed properties, etc.

Environmental Site Services specialises in developing detailed Noise and Vibration Management Plans for all projects. Management plans are developed to include:

    • Detail the scope and reason for out of hours work including timelines, equipment used, corrective actions and complaint response
    • Model the potential impact of noise on sensitive receptors
    • Detail each task and noise emission expected and steps to mitigate the noise
    • Monitoring requirements for noise and vibration
    • Submission to local council for review and approval

Environmental Site Services also provides noise monitoring and vibration monitoring hire equipment and technical advice.

Environmental Site Services Noise and Vibration Management Plans are developed in accordance with:

• AS 2436-2010 Guide to Noise and Vibration Control on Construction, Maintenance, and Demolition Sites

• AS1055 Acoustics – Measurement and Description of Environmental Noise.

• Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.

• AS 2670.2-1990 Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration; Part 2: Continuous and shock-induced vibration in buildings (1 to 80 Hz).

• AS2923-1987 Ambient Air – Guide for measurement of horizontal wind for air quality applications.

• Assessing Vibration a Technical Guideline [Department of Conservation (NSW), February 2006].