Asbestos Removal

Asbestos Removal Services in Perth

Onsite exposure to asbestos fibre poses enormous danger to the health of staff and occupiers. ENVSS provides a range of asbestos services to either manage or remove the hazardous material, helping you mitigate these risks.

We have vast experience in tailoring solutions for asbestos removal in Western Australia. Our team is equipped to conduct material testing for the presence of asbestos, asbestos and hazardous material registers, asbestos management plans, air monitoring, clearance inspections and more, ensuring your site complies with safety standards.

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that was widely used in Australia due to its excellent insulating properties, durability and flexibility. From the 1950s until 2003, asbestos was incorporated into over 3,000 known products ranging from household items to construction materials.

If exposed to asbestos fibres, people can face health risks such as asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma. Illness can develop as late as 25-40 years after exposure to asbestos fibres.

Although use declined from the 1980s, asbestos-containing materials (ACM) can still be present in post 2000’s structures. ACMs can be friable, meaning they easily release fibres, or non-friable, where fibres are bonded within other materials.

What are my obligations?

WHS Legislation includes requirements that dictate that employers or persons conducting business or undertaking (PCBU) must:

  • Protect workers and building occupiers from hazardous subjects, airborne contaminants as well as other hazards.
  • Ensure that all asbestos at a workplace is identified by a competent person.
  • Maintain an asbestos register, and manage ongoing asbestos hazards at the workplace.
  • Ensure that asbestos removal work is carried out by a suitably licensed asbestos removalist.
  • Ensure that exposure of a person to airborne asbestos is eliminated, or were not able to be eliminated, minimised so far as is reasonably practicable.
  • Ensure an independent clearance inspection is carried out to verify that the asbestos removal site is safe for normal use.

How do asbestos removal services work?

Asbestos removal is defined by WHS legislation as ‘work involving the removal of asbestos or ACM’. Workers must be suitably trained and wear PPE as defined under WHS legislation. A safe work method statement (SWMS) and an asbestos removal control plan (ARCP) must be created and submitted to WorkSafe 5 days prior to the commencement of any asbestos removal work. Asbestos waste must be suitably wrapped, labelled and disposed of at a licensed asbestos waste disposal site as soon as practicable.

Airborne fibre monitoring is mandatory for Class A asbestos removal work and highly recommended for Class B asbestos removal work. Airborne fibre monitoring assists the person with control of a workplace (PCBU) and the licensed asbestos removal contractor (LARC) in ensuring that controls implemented to eliminate or minimise exposure to airborne asbestos have been effective, providing peace of mind to those who may go on to occupy the site. 

On completion of asbestos removal work, an independent competent person (ICP) or licenced asbestos assessor (LAA) must inspect the work perimeter to ensure it is free and clear of visible dust and debris prior to issuing a written clearance certificate.

Can I opt against removing asbestos from my site?

Provided that the workplace has a robust asbestos management plan (AMP) including labelling, permit to work system (PTW) and workers have undertaken asbestos awareness training; If the asbestos or ACM at your site is stable, in good condition, has a low likelihood of accidental disturbance and is non-friable, you may choose, for the short term, to manage and control the materials in-situ, in lieu of removal. That being said, the goal should always be to strive towards having an asbestos free workplace.

ENVSS can facilitate inspection, risk assessment and provide individual material management and control recommendations, through to the generation of site asbestos registers, asbestos  management plans and hazardous material abatement scope of works. 

Environmental Site Services (ENVSS) has a team of highly skilled and competent hazard consultants, occupational hygiene consultants, environmental technicians and licensed asbestos assessors (LAA).

With over 50 years of combined experience, the strength and agility of our multi disciplined team allows ENVSS to act quickly and mobilise with minimal delay assisting in keeping your asbestos removal or asbestos management project moving forwards with minimal delay. 

Contact ENVSS on 9355 4010 or at [email protected] to discuss how we can help you meet, and maintain your legislative requirements, from identification, sampling and testing, asbestos registers, asbestos management plans, abatement scope of works, asbestos removal project management, airborne fibre monitoring to final clearance inspections and certificate.